Working With Great General Attorneys

  • Hiring a Chiropractor License Defense Attorney Is Necessary

    12 October 2020

    If you are a chiropractor, you have likely spent years in school in preparation for working in your industry. Unfortunately, you may still find yourself in a position where you are facing allegations. This means your entire livelihood could be in jeopardy on the basis of allegations you feel are unfair or improper. If you are a chiropractor, you may need a chiropractor license defense attorney who can help protect your reputation and your future in the career field you love.

  • Too Sleepy To Work: What To Know About SSDI And Sleeping Disorders

    22 September 2020

    When you don't get enough sleep, it can affect every aspect of your health. In some cases, the inability to get a good night's sleep can be attributed to any number of sleep disorders. For workers unable to do their job due to a persistent lack of sleep, you may qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. Read on and learn more about proving your disability to the Social Security Administration (SSA).

  • 2 Reasons to Retain a DUI Lawyer for Your Time in Court

    26 August 2020

    If you have been charged with a DUI, you will want to make it a point to retain a DUI lawyer as soon as you can. Sure, you do have the right to represent yourself in court and you might have done so when you wanted to fight a parking ticket, but you may not want to do that when the charge is a DUI. Here are a few reasons why:

  • Driving Under The Influence: Can You Face Arrest If You Don't Drive?

    17 August 2020

    When you drink, you probably already know you should never drive. What you might not know is that you should not even sit in your car behind the wheel when you have alcohol in your system. You cannot just sit stationary in the driver's seat, even to wait on a ride from someone else. Doing so can result in a DUI whether you are driving or not. The following are some things you should know if you are ever in this position:

  • What Are The Typical Consequences Of A DUI Charge?

    24 July 2020

    Getting pulled over after you spent an evening drinking with friends could lead to an arrest and a DUI charge. After the arrest, your first goal will be to get out of jail, and the next goal will be to find a way to fight the charges. One of the questions you might have during this time is what the consequences are for DUI charges. The answer varies, and here are several things to know as you face a DUI charge.

  • Memory Loss After a Car Accident: How These Cases Are Handled

    9 July 2020

    A collision has the potential to cause injury to every part of the body, including the brain. As a result, some accident victims suffer traumatic brain injuries that result in memory loss. For these victims, compensation is only fair and necessary. If you have a loved one that has been diagnosed with memory loss after an accident, learn more about how these matters are handled in the personal injury claims process.

  • Issues That Prolong Divorce Cases

    18 June 2020

    The average divorce case takes around one full year, but some cases take much longer. When couples divorce, they typically must go through a series of steps to accomplish this goal. Couples can speed up their cases by quickly working through the steps, or they can drag out their cases by arguing about issues. If you are ready to start a divorce case and want it to go quickly, it might be helpful for you to understand the primary issues that prolong divorce cases.

  • Did You Get Injured During A Slip And Fall? 3 Questions About This Type Of Accident

    4 June 2020

    If you fell down and were injured, you may assume that the injury is your own fault due to not anticipating the circumstances that lead to the accident. However, it is possible to receive compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. Here are some questions you may have about your accident. Does The Accident Location Matter? If you had a slip and fall while walking on a sidewalk in a residential area, it can be very complicated based on the location of where it happened.

  • Legal Separation: Is It A Good Idea?

    21 May 2020

    If a divorce is pending, you have the option to legally separate prior to the filing. Although not everyone chooses to legally separate, you may want to consider doing so for several reasons. A legal separation happens when you and your spouse live apart while you negotiate the terms of your divorce. This period of time can also be viewed as a test to determine whether or not you want to continue with your divorce or make an attempt to work your marriage out.

  • Going Through A Custody Dispute? How To Avoid Problems With The Custody Hearing

    21 February 2020

    If you and your ex are in the middle of a custody dispute, you need to plan for the court hearing. The steps you take leading up to the court date can play a big role in the final outcome. Custody disputes can become volatile, especially once communication breaks down. Here are four steps you need to take to avoid problems with your custody hearing. Watch the Way You Behave